Renaissance Catering likes to flow with the seasons. We realize that as seasons change, so too do the dishes that we serve, the in colors for events, the holidays that we cater change, and so on. However, right now, we’d like to talk to you about a different season. Yes, fall is upon. But, there aren’t just the traditional four seasons. Fall is here, but with it, Fall brings a season that doesn’t care about the weather or the changing leaves. Fall brings with it something a little special. With Fall, comes kickoff.
That’s right, it’s football season. While that many not seem like it has anything to do with catering, it most certainly doesn’t have to exclude it. Think about it, what do we do as a catering company? We service guests by providing them delicious food and servers. What do people do while watching football? Enjoy some hardy food, sitting contendly while enjoying a lazy Saturday or Sunday. It’s like a mini vacation each week. If it seems out of place for a wedding reception, consider this. Think of the passion in a newlywed marriage. Think of the burning love, and how the couple just can’t get enough of each other, of how they just can’t stop rooting for the other to succeed. It’s almost fanatical, in essence, Pledging your life to another person. Take away all thoughts of passion and just look at it logically, it sounds crazy. What’s one of only other things people get that swept up in? their football team. And if they share a passion for the same team, all the better! Even if they like rival teams, it still adds that extra little fire to the relationship when the seasons in full swing! Don’t be afraid to incorporate your teams into your receptions, or have a reception just for a big game, or hey, if you’re lucky, for the Super Bowl. The theme lends itself. Food from that region could be served, while the colors could be those of the teams playing. It might sound strange, but don’t rule it out when you’re planning your next event.