This past Saturday, Renaissance said farewell to one of it’s one. No, not in a parting of ways, but rather giving him over to the married life! It’s not every day that close friends and family get to help and enjoy in the wedding of one so very dear to their hearts! We were honored that Bruce Haase. He was always a well loved bartender for Renaissance, but now he’ll get to go off and be an even better husband. Although, we’re not sure which is going to be more difficult, making sure everyone has a cold drink, or make sure that his wife is always happy! It was a very beautiful outdoor wedding, and it’s always an amazing time when you’re surrounded by some of the people that are closest to you in life! We were very happy to partake in this beautiful event, and we wish Bruce and his beautiful wife every happiness in the world! We hope you two achieve everything in the future, near and far, and that every happiness comes your way! We love you!
And let’s be honest, we also are always looking for any chance we can get to see Chef Tony cut loose and shake what his momma gave him!