Our beer and wine services are fantastic. We’re not bragging here, but our bar tenders are pretty hoppy when it comes to their knowledge of the drinks they’re handing out. This knowledge allows us to offer different, shall we say, drink catering options to our guests. One of the things that’s gaining steam in receptions this year is have more than just mixed drinks. Craft beers are all the rage right now. Our staff would be more than happy to serve out any craft beer selections provided by the party along with all of the other selections that we already provide. It’s an interesting new trend, but one that truly is something special. On a day as special and monumental as a wedding, every guest should be able to drink what they want, maybe treat themselves to something they normally don’t take part in. Maybe your a couple that’s really into the finer points of beer brewing and drinking, and would like to drink something that we normally don’t provide, just talk with us beforehand and we can work something out or make sure that somehow craft beer brews it’s way into your wedding reception! We’re here to serve!
This doesn’t just apply to beer though. Many cocktail hours during receptions are starting to find that themed or stylized cocktail hours are the way to go. Mojitos, margaritas, and sangria hours are just a few of the new hubs of the wedding community. Our staff would be more than happy to provide that service to you, we just need to know what you’re looking for before! Our servers have no problem you your little glass of liquid courage! And if you’re looking for ideas in these specialized liquor hours, mini cocktails are becoming all the rage. Mini cocktails are the same as their regular sized companions, but they allow guests to get a little more of a taste of everything. Just talk to our offices beforehand and we’ll find the perfect service that you desire!